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11 август 2018, Суббота
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osc_base_url($with_index = false) - Выводит URL корня сайта при установке

osc_admin_base_url($with_index = false) - Возвращает URL-адрес oc-admin при установке

osc_base_path() - Возвращает корневой путь для установки

osc_admin_base_path() - Возвращает корневой путь oc-admin

osc_lib_path() - Возвращает путь библиотек

osc_content_path() - Возвращает путь содержимого

osc_themes_path() - Возвращает путь тем

osc_plugins_path() - Возвращает путь плагинов

osc_translations_path() - Возвращает путь перевода

osc_current_admin_theme() - Возвращает текущую тему oc-admin

osc_current_admin_theme_url($file = ) - Возвращает полный URL-адрес файла администратора

osc_current_admin_theme_path($file = ) - Получает полный путь к файлу администратора

osc_current_admin_theme_styles_url($file = ) - Получает полный URL-адрес файла стиля

osc_current_admin_theme_js_url($file = ) - Получает полный URL-адрес файла JS

osc_current_web_theme() - Получает текущую тему для сайта.

osc_current_web_theme_url($file = ) - Gets the complete url of a given file using the theme url as a root

osc_current_web_theme_path($file = ) - Gets the complete path of a given file using the theme path as a root

osc_current_web_theme_styles_url($file = ) - Gets the complete path of a given styles file using the theme path as a root

osc_current_web_theme_js_url($file = ) - Gets the complete path of a given js file using the theme path as a root

Помощники для сайта

osc_contact_url(/) - Create automatically the contact url

osc_item_post_url_in_category() - Create automatically the url to post an item in a category

osc_item_post_url(/) - Create automatically the url to post an item

osc_search_category_url($pattern = ) - Create automatically the url of a category

osc_user_dashboard_url(/) - Create automatically the url of the users' dashboard

osc_user_logout_url(/) - Create automatically the logout url

osc_user_login_url(/) - Create automatically the login url

osc_register_account_url(/) - Create automatically the url to register an account

osc_user_activate_url($id, $code) - Create automatically the url to activate an account

osc_item_comments_url($page = 'all', $locale = ) - Create automatically the url of the item's comments page

osc_comment_url($locale = ) - Create automatically the url of the item's comments page

osc_item_url($locale = ) - Create automatically the url of the item details page

osc_premium_url($locale = ) - Create automatically the url of the item details page

osc_item_url_ns($id, $locale = ) - Create the no friendly url of the item using the id of the item

osc_item_admin_edit_url(/$id) - Create automatically the url to for admin to edit an item

osc_user_alerts_url(/) - Gets current user alerts' url

osc_user_unsubscribe_alert_url($email = , $secret = ) - Gets current user alert unsubscribe url

osc_user_activate_alert_url( $secret , $email ) - Gets user alert activate url

osc_user_profile_url(/) - Gets current user url

osc_user_list_items_url($page = ) - Gets current user alert activate url

osc_change_user_email_url(/) - Gets url to change email

osc_change_user_email_confirm_url($userId, $code) - Gets confirmation url of change email

osc_change_user_password_url(/) - Gets url for changing password

osc_recover_user_password_url(/) - Gets url for recovering password

osc_forgot_user_password_confirm_url($userId, $code) - Gets url for confirm the forgot password process

osc_forgot_admin_password_confirm_url($adminId, $code) - Gets url for confirmation admin password recover process

osc_change_language_url(/$locale) - Gets url for changing website language (for users)

Helpers for items

osc_item_edit_url($secret = , $id = ) - Gets url for editing an item

osc_item_delete_url($secret = , $id = ) - Gets url for delete an item

osc_item_activate_url($secret = , $id = ) - Gets url for activate an item

osc_item_resource_delete_url($id, $item, $code, $secret = ) - Gets url for deleting a resource of an item

osc_item_send_friend_url(/) - Gets url of send a friend (current item)

Helpers for search

osc_get_countries() - Gets list of countries

osc_get_regions($country = ) - Gets list of regions (from a country)

osc_get_cities($region = ) - Gets list of cities (from a region)

osc_get_currencies() - Gets list of currencies

osc_add_option_menu($option = null) - Prints the additional options to the menu

Helpers for location

osc_is_ad_page() - Get if user is on ad page

osc_is_search_page() - Get if user is on search page

osc_is_static_page() - Get if user is on a static page

osc_is_home_page() - Get if user is on homepage

osc_is_user_dashboard() - Get if user is on user dashboard

osc_is_publish_page() - Get if user is on publish page

osc_is_login_form() - Get if user is on login form

osc_get_osclass_location() - Get location

osc_get_osclass_section() - Get section

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